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Kitchen - area with greater demands

floor protectors

Choosing kitchen flooring can be a difficult task. It is more important to give preference not to beauty but utility. And if possible, combine these two points.The floor in the kitchen should be water-resistant, easy to clean from household and food contaminants (fruit juices, wine, fat, etc.), be durable, be decorative and fit into the overall design of the apartment or house. 

 Most often the floor in kitchens is covered with linoleum. This material is resistant to scuffing, is not afraid of water and hot steam, it is easy to clean, it is unlikely to have marks and scratches after a heavy object falls. 

Ceramic tiles have a durable surface, are not subject to abrasion, and resistant to household chemicals.  For the kitchen, it is better to choose tiles with a matte or embossed surface that can save you from falling, for example, if you spill liquid on the floor.  Unfortunately, along with the advantages, tiled flooring also has disadvantages: if a heavy object, falls on the tile, there is a chance that a crack will remain on the ceramic surface, it is a pretty cold material, especially in winter.  

Wooden floors are not cheap, but thanks to them the interior of the kitchen looks rich and respectable. Wooden flooring is pretty sensitive to moisture and temperature changes. Therefore, in the kitchen, it is better to use it in the dining area, and supplement it with tiles or porcelain stoneware. 

Anyway, no matter what flooring you chose for your kitchen, this is an area where you move furniture the most often (chairs, dining table, etc.) If you want to protect your beautiful floor, don’t forget to put felt furniture pads under the feet of your kitchen furniture! It will make your flooring last longer!

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